Fort del Sol in Lorca

Its strategic location- between Spain’s eastern seaboard and Andalucía, between the coast and the interior- has made the area into a crossroads where the blend of cultures gives meaning to its veritable and deeprooted history.

A vibrant city has grown up from the land, a city where the people keep the hands of time turning day by day.  Lorca has much more than just a castle, is a monument brimming with history.  As well as being a defensive bastion that for centuries marked the border between the Christian and Muslim kingdoms, a defensive symbol, a watchtower and emblem of the city and its territory today’s Fortress of the Sun is a large themed attraction where leisure is combined with culture, fun with learning, history with entertainment.  A unique attraction whit has transformed Lorca Castle into a vast, living stage where visitors can take part in a incomparable cultural experience, a journey through time where you and your family play a leading role.

Recreational facilities, exhibitions, animation, dramatisations, multimedia… an innovative cultural and thematic experience. Expertly restored towers and cisterns, which now house exhibitions. Workshops and children’s areas. Reénactments of scenes from history with characters that will transport you back in time, a store… Fun and culture guaranteed.